Trying to add a service reference in Visual Studio 2012 to Bing Maps SOAP service I got the following error message:
Cannot import wsdl:portType Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter Error: Type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken' is a recursive collection data contract ...
Following Getting “Recursive collection data contract” when referencing a WCF service with a slightly complex method and Visual Studio 2012 Error Reference.svcmap throwing Error I've had to change the "reuse types in referenced assemblies" from "all" to everything except Newtonsoft.JSON
and RestSharp
Might not be something to write home about, but I'm sure I'll forget where it is was in a year or so.
PS. This seems to be VS2012 only issue, VS2010 worked just fine.